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Protein powder is a scam.

Protein powder is a scam.

I love Greek Yogurt but where is OP (and anyone else on here) getting such a good deal on it???

I just did the math, when I buy a 32oz jug of Greek Yogurt at the grocery store, it's $6 for 32oz 4 cups/ 4 servings of Yogurt. 20g protein per cup, or $1.50 for 20 grams of protein.

For my whey, I splurge to get grass fed Promix - $80 for 5 lbs for plain whey. Yes this is pricier, but I feel better after consuming it than I do Optimum or other brands- something a lot less harsh/processed about it. To each his own, not hating on cheaper whey, just personal preference. But regardless - I did the same calculation and it comes out to $0.88 for 20g of my "overpriced scam" whey protein - almost half the cost of Greek Yogurt.

Personally I love Greek Yogurt, but it's damn expensive! I'd have to find it for closer to $3/jug before it's was competitive with my already-pricey whey. Does Costco or anywhere else sell it that much cheaper?? Right now it's more of a treat I reward myself with, if I get shit done, as I love the taste/texture and it seems to settle my stomach if I ate something that didn't go down well.

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