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Maria Schriver Was Cheating on Arnold Way Before Paternity Scandal

Maria Schriver Was Cheating on Arnold Way Before Paternity Scandal

Quote: (09-02-2014 03:41 PM)Nemausus Wrote:  

I read Arnold's autobiography.

Throughout the book, he portrays Maria as a wonderful woman. He never had a single negative thing to say about her. The book almost comes across as an open love letter to Maria in some parts.

I read the autobiography too and to me it came across exactly what a politician would write: everyone was great. I actually could only make it half way through the book because it seemed so politically correct and fake and, well, basically didn't show the 'real' Arnold. Essentially, when you're the government of California and you're (ex)wife is a Kennedy, you don't publicly disparage anyone, not to mention potential lawsuits.

But I'm digressing because the real reason I made this post was I always thought most married couples at that level - high politicos or very high status people - basically stayed married for the public image. But I always felt that most of them always had an arrangement and they both had sidepieces.

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