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Player's Log / Lounge

Player's Log / Lounge

I have a problem with night game since a few months now.

Most of the time I dance well, some girls come next to me but I can't get the courage to approach them. And if I take some of them and dance, I do not know what to say to them. I just dance silently, smiling, then after 1 mn they go back to friends.

I do no longer find any excitement in talking with girls and guys, and befriending other guys in bars/clubs does not interest me.
I know I need to get over my mentality of going out solely to pick up, but it's not easy. It is REALLY my only reason to drink, and go out. If internet game worked for me ( black in an area with lot of whites, 4-6 in looks and too skinny) I would not even go out. If I wanna talk with friends I prefer doing it at our homes.
What should I do for that?

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