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A Transgender Childhood

A Transgender Childhood

Quote: (08-20-2014 04:26 PM)Kvothe Wrote:  


I always, just always wanted to know what it is behind the minds of these people. I just cannot imagine their inner monologue, they inner lives. I could understand they logic even if it is faulty when verbally expressed, but hell I cannot really know how someone could to this to his own child. Is it a hormone/physiological matter or is she just conditioned to be utterly insane? That child is going to be defected and the cause is messing his neurochemistry.

I offer one hypothesis regarding trannies - also to a degree gays:

1. there is biology:
Sexes have an automatic tendency to be heterosexual, estrogen-mimickers as well as other chemicals can induce more gender-bending behavior and even create a more masculine or feminine inclination. We know this and this is fact (proven beyond shadow of doubt).

2. Plus you have the emotional & mental conditioning that can start as early as 3-5 years of age. In an environment where the female is exalted, the kid is abused some may become gay or desire to be more feminine or masculine.

3. then there is an additional explanation for those who consider reincarnation a potential reality. Let us assume that reincarnation is true and Souls reincarnate again and again. Let us also assume that Soul usually chooses a couple lifetimes as a male and then a couple lifetimes as a female. After having had several lifetimes and centuries of years spent in female bodies, Soul may rebel at the thought of having to be born a man. That resistance may be carried on into the lifetime and the person will try to be a woman again. Now due to the current technology and also "emotional" support of the "Gender-Bending"-culture that person has the opportunity to change his/her sex. It will be mostly cosmetic and will never result in the male actually managing to become female. But the choice is his. There is no escape in reality. He will be born again and again as a Man until he feels comfortable in his masculinity and learns what has to be learnt in that form. Now I know that I assume a lot of ifs in that regard, but you should not forget that roughly half of the world population sees reincarnation as a very possible reality or believes in it.

It would be a logical explanation of the phenomenon - all assuming that reincarnation is reality. Either way - most people would likely state that so many things have been done wrong with the kid that such a course of action would not be recommended by anyone with a sane mind. If one of the Manosphere guys here had such a son he would never let him be drugged, indoctrinated etc.

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