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If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

If You Were 18 Again, What Would You Do Differently?

Self Educate Yourself On Money and Finances.... Kinda goes in step with what Mixx Said but I'll add my .2 cents.

It’s not enough to just save, and stuff your money into whatever 401k investment you first lay your eyes on. If you believe the main stream media, you probably wouldn’t invest abroad, you would invest in what institutional investors call “low-risk” assets, like mutual funds heavily invested in the banking sector or sectors with great exposure to U.S. markets and consumers.

An MSN money article from November 2010 titled “401k’s pay off only for lucky few” states:

Millions of Americans have no access to a 401k plan, and many of those who do misjudge market risk — individual retirement plans lost $2 trillion in the recent plunge.

If you’re not educated on investing and finance, how would be able to know if Jim Cramer is full of shit? If Goldman Sachs is talking their book? Or if that guy you happen to catch on CNN or CNBC is actually speaking the truth. How would you ever be able to discern the truth from the lies? How could ever tell apart the snake oil salesmen from the actual wise men, You wouldn’t. And sadly most people are still clueless about what’s going in the economy for that one reason: a lack of financial and economic education.

It all comes back down to being self-reliant. And the older I get the more I understand that being self reliant is the only way to survive and thrive.

By not being educated you are relying on others to have your best interest in mind. Unfortunately the odds are likely that you will rely on a fool, or someone trying to pick your pockets. If you don’t educate yourself on economics, investing, and finance, you WILL loose your shirt eventually. In the best of scenarios you may get lucky and not loose your shirt, but will definitely not take full advantage of the opportunities that arise from being educated and prepared.

When asked how much educated men were superior to those uneducated, Aristotle answered, ‘As much as the living are to the dead.’
- Diogenes Laetius

I use to think that I could just work hard, save my money and follow the advise at Fidelity, and I’d be on my way to a blissful retirement in Latin America.

Unfortunately, this kind of uneducated attitude is exactly what lead me to get fleeced twice. If you plan at all to not be parted with your money like most fools, you will educate yourself.

And you don't need to go to school for this. That might have been the case 20 years ago, but today with some time and dedication you can get an excellent education all online and mostly for free. I don’t mean you have to get your PHD in economics, but you should study, read, inform yourself, and know a little about everything that will effect your investments and where you place your hard earned money. Once educated you can then figure out who out there knows what they’re talking about and focus on learning and following the most knowledgeable of investors, instead of the talking heads of CNN or paid shills at the New York Times or Wall Street Journal.

As far as women go, I'd say like Roosh says, never put them on a pedestal. If you concentrate on your finances, and put them on the back burner, by nature they'll try gain your attention. Also LTR's with certain women can take up a bunch of time and energy. Which takes away time and energy that can be dedicated to your business or chasing other females. That's not always the case, sometimes you find a solid girl that actually give you a boost, every once in a while.

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