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Lizard Hygiene

Lizard Hygiene

This morning, I was thinking about the trash in my phone contacts especially after exchanging an extremely vapid text stream with one of my platonic lizard friends (I just stopped texting after my brain nodes shut down from the template like responses)

I have quite a few lizard contacts in my phone that are not live right now. They are dicking me around, sending me useless texts, telling me we will hook up and weak ass teasing.

I really don't have time to play text or phone game but my friend says I should wait them out as I have had a few mature in the past.

My question is, is it worth waiting out dead links. As you all know, I currently reside in Toronto and the women here are constantly juggling dycks (since there is a high beta male population here) so they keep on juggling until they get bored or they need physical satisfaction.

Basically, a male just has to wait his turn here.

What I want to do is:
a) Send a definitive text that says if you about it, call me and let's do something and if not, I'm deleting your number.
However, that might be burning the bridges.


b) Do what Torontonians generally do: Delete your number and if you call them out of the blue, they say that they lost all the phone numbers off of their phone. I hate that strategy however, it's beta as fcuk and I'll go down in flames before I subject to that coward ass strategy. Sadly, however when in Rome...[Image: sad.gif]

c) If I call them and give them the ultimatum (which I used to do when I first moved here) it does not work. They will not call back. This is a non confrontational culture and it's considered uncouth to speak honestly if there is the slightest possibility that it may hurt one's feelings.

I feel that the numbers of these time wasters are just a drain on my psychic resources.

Please bearing in mind that I am in a beta culture, what do you think my best of course of action should be?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

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