Quote: (08-12-2014 02:51 AM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:
Quote: (08-12-2014 01:35 AM)Htownanddown Wrote:
"A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times;"
I have lots to say about this:
1- This guys comedy has made me laugh so hard that I refuse to feel bad about his death. I particularly remember one skit about having 3 balls and him saying that nobody wanted to look like a pawn shop. I was rolling on the floor while my friends where giving me puzzled looks.
2- Good Will Hunting was such a great movie that it exhausted Matt Damons and That Other Dudes talent. I dont know how they got Williams to be in it, but for them it would have been like going picking up chicks with Bill Clinton.
3- 30 million in alimony? I wonder how much THEIR lawyer charged. What good is 30 million if it cant buy the joy of sending your ex home empty handed?
4- And lastly, nobody dies from depression. Sure, it sucks, it saps every drop of willpower from you, it makes you want, wish, desire death. But it doesnt kill you. A belt around your neck does. An overdose of hot lead kills. Depression is a terrible disease, a chronic one, hard to diagnose and harder still to treat.
But please stop saying he died from depression. He didnt.