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Hillary doing an impression of a beached whale...

Hillary doing an impression of a beached whale...

Quote: (08-11-2014 08:47 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Shes going to be the next president

Due to engineered demographic changes there will very likely never be another Republican president

I doubt that. But, your Republican presidents may have names that end in "z" or a vowel. Which is fine with me. But if Republicans are so doomed, why do they own the House, most governorships and state houses, and soon the Senate? These things go in cycles. For 100 years, from the 1860's to the 1960's, it was common knowledge that "No republican could get elected in the South". That's because Lincoln freed their, uh, means of production. [Image: confused.gif] But then, the world changed dramatically, the Dems became the party of the blacks, and now its tough to find a southern democrat elected to the Senate or a governorship. It happens. But its less common than the GOP winning. And why? Because whites, particularly white men, came to believe that their interests weren't served by the Democrats.

I could see two scenarios where the GOP comes raging back, ala Reagan: The first is the immigrant groups INTEGRATE into society. Most 1st and 2nd generation Hispanics I know speak Spanish in the home and vote democrat. But I know many 3rd generation immigrants that do not speak Spanish AT ALL, and vote the opposite of how their parents vote.

The other scenario is that Hitlary becomes President, and uses the power of the state to put her thumb on the scale even more egregiously for women and against men. And men come to realize: If the single young cunts all vote democrat and vote themselves a share of my earnings via tax and spend policies, my interests are best served voting Republican. I'm amazed right now at how many white male liberals there are. This could change when men, particularly white men, come into Hitlary's cross hairs.

Anyway I didn't mean to turn this into a political thread; I think this board is best served by having divergent opinions, and we are man enough to hear other opinions without seething: that's what sets us apart from the feminist sites. That said, I do believe Hillary is a regular cunt. I'm The Father, and I approve this message.

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