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Suey Park Is Back: Hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader On Racism And Sexism In Christianity

Suey Park Is Back: Hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader On Racism And Sexism In Christianity

Quote: (08-11-2014 12:39 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2014 10:56 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

The terms "social justice-minded Christian" and "progressive Christian" are oxymoronic. It would be like calling yourself a "feminist red pill man" or a "non-racist slave owner". It's inherently self-contradictory in each case. The terms are mutually exclusive, you must choose between them. If you claim to be both you are either consciously (in which case you are a liar) or unconsciously (in which case you are delusional and/or stupid) rejecting one or the other.

In this case, it's very obvious that Suey Park is not a Christian, but is instead cynically posing as one in order to attack Christianity with the SJW/progressive virus. She doesn't want to reform Christianity, she wants to destroy it by watering down its traditional/biblical morality with progressive degeneracy. While claiming to be promoting Christianity she is actually anti-Christian - a wolf in sheep's clothing. We have been warned about people like her:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. - Matt. 7: 15-20

Why should it be inherently contradictory to be both a Christian and hold progressive, left-wing, or small-l liberal values? By extension, the ideas of Reform Judaism or Islamic Feminism, to name a few, would be inherently oxymoronic.

Adhering to a particular faith entails a belief in its higher power, a practice of that faith (via prayer, periodic worship, etc.) and a following of its Scriptures. All of which are geographically varied according to local culture. In turn, religions have long had to adapt its practices to reflect current and evolving social mores.

What with falling church attendances, it would be the height of in-pragmatism to cling to whimsical notions of Puritan Conservatism.

Quote: (08-10-2014 10:56 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Let us judge SJWs and progressives by their "fruits":
  • Abortion on demand
  • Shallow consumer society
  • Big government nanny state
  • Welfare/handout society
  • Total denial of America's Christian tradition

I know "SJWs" and "progressives" who do not necessarily stand for the points in bold. In terms of abortion, there's a huge discourse within the pro-choice camp, and you fail to distinguish between left-libertarianism and welfare-socialism.

Quote: (08-10-2014 10:56 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

In contrast, what are the fruits of traditional Christian society?
  • Strong families
  • Patriarchal society
  • Protestant work ethic
  • Rejection of all degeneracy
  • Non-materialistic worldview
  • Traditional, lifelong marriage
  • Charity to the truly needy
  • Respect for elders and tradition
  • Strong community bonds through the church
  • Emphasis on cultivating inner virtues rather than displaying purchased status symbols

And the "Protestant work ethic" is representative of all Christianity? Catholicism in particular emphasises giving and supporting the homeless, the infirm and the disabled -- traits that would pigeonhole them as "SJWs" in your book. Christ Himself hung out with lepers and beggars; but I guess he'd be shunned as a pinko socialist by the 'Murrican Christian Right.

It's contradictory, because Christianity's foundation as a religion is, "love others as you have loved yourself."

Obviously the cat being out of the bag on certain subjects (abortion, homosexuality, etc). The loving Christian would do his best to convey the seriousness of what abortion and homosexuality do. I'll never understand childbirth, but I've seen a girl go through an abortion and it destroys her. The hormones and emotional toll are ridiculous.

Homosexuality is a beast in its own right. The church should distance itself from "gay marriage" and should tell people what the bible means when it says these behaviors cause "death". Death occurs in more than one way. An example being death of a family bloodline which arguably is not a big deal since homosexual behavior deselects a man/woman from the gene pool.

It can also lead to the obvious end of ones life via this means.

The "Loving Christian" however, should accept a gay man into the community while encouraging a monogamous homosexual relationship. Doubtful such a thing can be achieved though.

So to answer your question, i'd go so far as to say that progressive christianity and judaism goes against the spirit of what was trying to be conveyed in the writing.

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