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Suey Park Is Back: Hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader On Racism And Sexism In Christianity

Suey Park Is Back: Hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader On Racism And Sexism In Christianity

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Ah, Suey Park. The left-wing gift that keeps on giving. Apparently, she considers herself a Christian.

She has been trumpeting a new hashtag on Twitter: #NotMyChristianLeader. Article on it here:


It’s common knowledge that activists today often use hashtags to facilitate ongoing, inclusive conversations, especially among people who are often shut out of more conventional conversations. The past year has seen hashtags ranging from #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen to #IAmJada to #YesAllWomen, to name just a few, and today social justice-minded Christians on Twitter are speaking out about privilege problems within the church using the hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader. And the frustration with racism, sexism, and basic hypocrisy is very apparent.

The #NotMyChristianLeader conversation was originally started by the Killjoy Prophets Collective, whose co-founders include Suey Park, an activist best known for her #NotYourAsianSidekick and #CancelColbert hashtags. Park explains that, in her view, both liberal and conservative Christian churches have a tendency to avoid critically examining broader issues. “On the Christian right,” she told Bustle in an email, “we see many using God’s ‘justice’ to really mean violent US nationalism. We live in a country that proclaimed ‘one nation under God’ when churches sold slaves and Manifest Destiny was used to justify genocide. On the Christian left, we see attempts for racial reconciliation that are often reductive, framing progress as ‘both sides’ moving forward while flattening histories and ignoring power imbalances.”

Another Killjoy Prophets co-founder Emily Rice adds, “Oftentimes even the most progressive Christian leaders today still engage in respectability politics, in which women leaders can only speak about feminism or racial justice if they appear non-threatening and center the educational needs of those in power.”

She seems to be "working" (is she getting paid for all this shit she does?) with an organization called "The Killjoy Project."

That organization seems utterly obsessed with "anti-blackness" of American society. They want to take "back" Christianity and essentially turn Christianity into another arm of social justice. As expected, they love love love to talk about how terribly anti-black America and its fascist police state. How serious they are about changing the racialization of society. Seriously, they just love to talk about it.

Anyways, Suey has some top-notch idiotic tweets


Dear Christian Men, finding comfort in masculinity and male privilege is not the same as finding comfort in God. Beware of false idols.

This is a book she is working on:


Heteropatriarchy and the 3 Caterpillars of White Supremacy: A Children's Story

Then this fucking gem [Image: lol.gif]


Funny story: Yesterday President @fyamada asked @afreshmind and me about "careerism" and we both heard "queerism" which doesn't exist.

Instead of being honest w/ @fyamada about not knowing, @afreshmind and I used academic posturing to pretend we knew what queerism was.

Moral of story: Don't pretend you know what "queerism" is to sound smart. Ask for help and discover the question was just misheard. Phew.

[Image: jordan.gif]

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

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