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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

Quote: (08-10-2014 01:33 PM)rawhide Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2014 01:11 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

But the end goal is to crush our life styles and make them effective the kings of our world. When this happens the farce that is feminism can no longer be afforded. We will not be able to afford such a safe and easy society where women can just run around and party 24/7. And at this point, feminism will have no choice but to disappear, which is great to the elites, it would have already served its purpose.

I don't believe in such grand conspiracies. Most of this is just long term cycles.

Ancient Rome collapsed because it became extremely oppressive and turned against its own people. Crushing taxes and debased coinage (to pay for bloated government aka the army) undermined and weakened Rome to the point that its citizens welcomed the Germanic invaders as liberators.

The Western world fought the Cold War from 1947 until 1991. A huge amount of government resources and attention were devoted to trying to keep communism in check. When the Soviet Union finally collapsed and the Eastern Bloc unraveled, Western governments were freed to devote their energies against their own people with long sought after elitist goals such as progressive social engineering and more socialism.

It isn't a conspiracy theory in my opinion...

What is the biggest threat to the elite class, the billionaires?

A free and educated middle class.

IBM was king of the jungle, as big and as bad as they could get.

Then two dorky guys bought some shitty discarded version of their software for nothing and worked in their garage. 10 years later the king of the jungle was knocked off the hill. Microsoft said "step aside".

The elites know that if the middle class has freedoms, education, and dreams, it is only a matter of time.

So they must push this progressive agenda to destroy the middle class.

As for fighting the Soviet Union/Cuba/communism...

IMO it was all for show. They helped to bankrupt the western world and crush the middle class with the military industrial complex fighting an invisible boogie man. Our focus was on the Soviet Union, all the while we were throwing our futures away paying for a military we never even used.

Now today it is Islam extremism. We claim to be fighting Islam extremism and are spending trillions to do so, all the while we back some Islamic extremist groups in their own battles.

Crush the middle class, and they crush their greatest competition. Once the middle class is crushed, then all these nice things such as electricity at the touch of a finger or police on every street corner disappear. And with it, feminism disappears, because without modern technology women will have no choice but to fall back to their traditional roles.

I could be wrong though, these are just my findings in looking through things.

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