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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

Feminism will go away when the western world collapses. Which is the purpose of feminism, to use women against men, spread anti-family progressivism, and destroy the western culture so that the wealthy elites end up as kings.

The wealthy elites are not stupid. You don't make billions of dollars by being an idiot. They know exactly what they are doing. The biggest threat to the wealthy elites is an educated and free from oppression middle class. But if the wealthy elites tried to strong arm the educated and free people in the west, these people would revolt.

So instead they use progressivism. Feminism is their greatest tool. They know women are easy to manipulate, and they know women are over 50% of the voters. So they keep slowly changing our life style to giving us less freedoms...

- Attempt at gun control.
- Increased regulations that only benefit the wealthy
- More dependent on govt. handouts.

And we slowly accept it.

But the end goal is to crush our life styles and make them effective the kings of our world. When this happens the farce that is feminism can no longer be afforded. We will not be able to afford such a safe and easy society where women can just run around and party 24/7. And at this point, feminism will have no choice but to disappear, which is great to the elites, it would have already served its purpose.

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