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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

Quote: (08-09-2014 09:48 PM)Old Fritz Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2014 08:50 PM)Enjoythedecline Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2014 07:45 PM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2014 07:12 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

What do you mean by feminism imploding? Do you mean women leaving the workforce and going back to traditional roles such as homemaker and caretaker? Marrying early and having kids instead of going to college? Proclaiming the importance of men in their lives? I don't see that happening. The cat's out of the bag. That would be like gays voluntarily going back in the closet once they've already gotten used to public flamboyance.

As long as they do not infect new generations with their ideology their behaviors will die with them.

Forget it. Younger generation of women seems sluttier than their predecessor.

I say they are sluttier.

And the problem with that is?? Look, I'm completely against feminism. But I'm also against religious values that were written in a very superstitious age. We should aspire to a society where sluts are encouraged, but men are not compelled to subsidize them with their taxes, job quotas, etc. Men should also be free to marry the non-slutty ones - and since they bring 90% of the value to the marriage, men should set the rules, without the heavy hand of the state involved. THOSE women - the ones married to or living with men who support them - should be required to be non-slutty and generally conform to whatever the man requires - cooking, cleaning, etc. Get the state and the law out of it, and things will return to what they should be inside of 15 years. Women are HOPELESS are maintaining society without male leadership. Hopeless.

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