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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

If you want to know if or when feminism will implode, then you have to determine how it grew and metastasized in the first place.

Government. Big socialistic government promoting egalitarian policies. Everything men find objectionable from affirmative action hiring practices, Title IX, sexual harassment laws, divorce rape, making schools and universities more female friendly by changing tests from true/false or multiple choice to essay questions in order to give girls a boost, etc. all flows from that.

When the economy eventually collapses, it will take governments down along with it. I assure you that no one will be thinking about feminism or divorce in a Mad Max-type scenario. There are almost 7 billion people on this planet now and things could easily tip into chaos.

Sovereign debt crises around the world
Dramatically rising taxes and wealth confiscation (bank "bail-ins")
Pension crises (municipal bankruptcies) leading to riots
Crop failures
A heretofore unknown pandemic that emerges out of nowhere (not ebola)

That being said, I'm not holed up in a bunker with a thousand cans of ham & beans or twittling my thumbs playing video games while waiting for feminism to fail. That will take a long time and it may not happen in my lifetime. Instead, I'm just trying to make as much money as I can and traveling more looking for other opportunities.

If you find joy between the legs of the local fatties and sluts, then so be it. Whatever makes you happy.

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