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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

Define feminism though. Tons of chicks may not call themselves feminists and may reject some fat dyke with half her head shaved and her more radical ideas. Yet there are tons of ideas that are simply taken for granted now. Women get to vote. Women get to take men to the cleaners in a divorce. Women can have abortions. You go grrrl, etc. That sort of stuff. The point is not even whether you agree with any of these points or not. You don't have to think women should be chained barefoot to the kitchen sink to see how the process has worked so far and continues to work.

The point is that if we looked at feminist talking points on a scale of 1-10 (1 being patriarchy and 10 being some sort of feminist fantasy land), we're at a point where the starting point is a 7. Everyone is quibbling over this like temporarily (and I say temporarily because 10 years from now what is radical might very well be what is normal) moving from a 7.3 to a 7.2 represents the end of feminism. Anything less than a 7 is not even remotely on the cards without a major restructuring of society that would most likely be precipitated by a major crisis.

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