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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

I mock my 22 year old assistant and call her a "Strong independent Woman". She can hardly walk across my living room without falling over. Every subject we talk about I know about 10 times more than she does.

She still smirks like a spoiled bitch because she's got 8 more years of being hot. I'm starting to learn to enjoy women more now that I've accepted they're as dumb as a box of rocks and completely irrational on top of that.

The ones that are fun have a sense of humor about themselves and deep down know you're superior to them. They just don't want it shoved in their faces.

Men always try to figure things out. The benefit of having women around is they know how to just selfishly, childishly enjoy stuff, as it is.

You got this yacht dealing coke and assassinating rivals and addicting housewives? Who cares! Look how pretty it is!!

They're not always planning future fucking conquests like men.
They can help us relax and enjoy life-- IF they have that sense of humor.

Otherwise, later.

Oh Christ, stop with the terminal decline stuff-- terminal decline starts with YOU, when you hit 50, which is sooner than you think. You don't need America to fall apart for it to happen, you can do it by yourself.

Also, in half a trillion years, the Sun enlarges and swallows the Earth. Am I supposed to worry about that, too?

I don't think there's ever been a period in my almost 60 years when a subset of the anxious weren't saying "It's different this time... things are really getting bad now.."

I was alive during the Cuban Missile crisis, when Kennedy openly threatened Russia with nuclear assault, The war in Nam when the National Guard was shooting American students down, the Arab oil embargo in 1973, the nuclear accident in Three Mile Island, Rebellions crushed in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, numerous stock crashes when everyone was convinced the economy was going to collapse, and the one thing that remained constant?

It would have been great to buy Proctor and Gamble Forty-Six Hundred percent up since 1970, not counting dividends.

The "end" is not near, except for every one of us.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The only thing you can learn from history, is that you can't learn anything from history.

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