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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

What I see currently happening is men abandoning marriage and just banging girls for the fun of it until they get one pregnant and then their life is in fiancial servitude to that girl for the next 18-21 years.

Decades ago the smarter guys imported the women here, then American women got wise to it and enacted laws that allowed a new foreign bride to "falsely" claim domestic violence and get the green card automatically. Once the horror stories spread, I'm guessing that shut down a lot of importing.

Now, the smarter guys will move abroad, but the US has been making that hard too with failure to pay child support being a felony, paying taxes no matter where you live, mandatory health care insurance, FATCA, International Child Support to allow foreign women access to US family courts, and who knows what else.

The US may eventually restrict men to a certain amount of traveling abroad per year, without giving up their passport. Maybe they will ban expatriating altogether.

I think America has a lot further to fall before it bottoms out.

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