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So how long before feminism implodes?

So how long before feminism implodes?

Many people believe that feminism will completely implode and fall downhill at some point. I say it's already going downhill and that it is just a matter of time. Especially after reading about what has already happened or what is currently happening within society.

People have noted the importance of displaying a backbone and fighting against injustice (think about the many laws that are stacked against men such as paternity, domestic violence, college campuses, etc) when they happen against you. This is important but I don't think we are going to see too many men directly fight against women. Obviously if this were to happen things would change/collapse much faster. I'm reminded of reading "Men on Strike" and reading an excerpt from someone who said she's glad this hasn't happened.

Anyways, I think more and more men will continue to drop out and lose faith within the system like the book says. Society as a whole will become even more apathetic.

I see women fighting against each other to be honest. Feminist claiming they are MRA's or anti feminist women fighting against feminist women. Heck, even some women who claim to be feminist are starting to go against other feminist. All are signs of what is coming. We already have female celebrities and so called role models who don't dabble in it

I'm thinking the 2020's when it all will happen. That will be a very interesting decade. What about you guys?

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