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London Observations

London Observations

Quote: (08-07-2014 02:49 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2014 03:37 PM)HankRearden Wrote:  

One of my best friends here is a great looking guy, has a great job, dresses well, speaks well, is actually just a genuinely good person, and has probably slept with under 10 women at age 23. He can't figure it out, and neither can I. I do know, however, that if he lived in Canada/America he would be over 25, with better looking girls, and have put in much less effort (so long as he keeps that ever-fawned after English accent of his).

I have noted this time after time in the UK: the man is often better looking than the woman in a couple. Moreover, I can tell an internet date as the man is often far better looking than the woman.

I don't think that there is a more female-friendly dating market than that of the UK. The signs are there which normally suggest a seller's market:

*female obesity,
*generally poor clothing,
*a better looking boyfriend
* a slimmer boyfriend,
*hostility to natural heterosexual male desires (in contrast to the numbers and weird and wonderful things that gay men are into - gay rights are to be defended),
*a demand that potential boyfriends have suitable political beliefs,

I would advise every young British man to travel before basing his confidence on the British market or the validation of English women.

When I advertise a spare room, I subtly disqualify English women from moving in. I find them to be the least house proud women I have ever met. Italian, French and Spanish women have the place looking spotless while English women rarely clean up after themselves never mind doing the odd general house clean. They can't cook and a female Italian housemate remarks how often British men cook for British women and that would never happen to Italy. I replied that British men have no choice other than going out to eat.

The UK dating market it just like its domestic property market. It favours the seller. The value of the seller's asset increases regardless if he has invested anything into the repair and upkeep of his property. The UK housing stock is the worst maintained, most expensive and poorly constructed in all of Europe - just like its women.

There is a lot of truth here, the dynamic between the sexes are extremely distorted here. You will come across so many good looking men who have got respectable lives, having relationships with these overweight chicks who have terrible characters and lifestyles.

It comes down to understanding your value; I used to be a very naive guy, but over the years it really hit me. That there is a conscious game being played here, the women in Britain do try to mask the average British man's value, so they can continue with the good thing they have going.
They do this, by being obnoxious, rude, criticising men on their looks; so many games being played. Keeping their men dependent on them and pussies basically.

I have boycotted English women ever since I turned 19 years old, ever since then I have been with foreign women (well when it came to anything more than a one night stand). Ironically enough I have been on the end of shaming from not the women (I don't really come across them anymore) but actually the men. You know the types, the ones who end up with a below average girlfriend and take pride in it.

The working class girls have the same mentality as black ghetto females. They will show off about being aggressive and fighting, intimidating guys or other women. A lot of them peak really early on (Late teens I am talking about here) because they will have a kid by then, two years later they will get another kid from a different father. Its matriarchal in nature.

The Middle class girls peak at a later age (21-23) but they really take feminist attitudes to heart. Every time I get in a conversation with these girls, they start talking about how men dominate relationships and this is bad etc. Makes me laugh though as the men around them are these effeminate hipster types, who can't even dominate themselves.
You will find a small group of these types who will be suitable for dating and maybe something more, but it is a small group.

I believe its the British protestant outlook that really made things easier for the whole feminist, progressive culture to take over. With the reaction against anti Thatcher, meant a lot of ordinary people opened themselves up to the left wing, although that point it became all about feminism, multiculturalism and not about economic reforms, which the working class at the time were more concerned about.

But yeah basically it is fucked, I can go into a load of anecdotes but it is all the stuff you have probably read before, so I don't want to fill up the thread with it. British guys really have to wake up and vote with their feet. A lot of my closest friends I have advised to move elsewhere. Unless you can be a student here or live a high player lifestyle in London, I really don't see the desire to stay in this location.
There are so many better options where being a British guy will turn you into a high value commodity.

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