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Where to Meet & How to Bang Middle Eastern Girls (living in the USA)?

Where to Meet & How to Bang Middle Eastern Girls (living in the USA)?

Quote: (08-06-2014 03:53 PM)Firescirocco Wrote:  

Quote: (05-24-2014 04:46 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I think I've mentioned it briefly before, it's kind of been a secret of mine but I'm willing to go on the record now. Best place to find Persians (in the world) to bang: Sweden.

The nation has received a high number of middle eastern immigrants ever since the fall of the Shah in the 70s. In the US I've noticed how most cultures stick together and mostly manage to keep the cultures of their homeland. Integration has fared better över here. Every 2nd generation Persian (or middle eastern) girl wants nothing to do with her parents boring stale culture. She wants to go to college (= out of the house), go to parties and meet outside guys that don't expect her to be a housemaid.

Yeah, a bunch of people on the forum are going to bemoan this cultural evolution. Me, I'm to busy spritzing my love gunk over bronzed buttocks to care.

PS. You know what's really of the hook? 2nd generation Persians on summer vacation in the Mediterranean. Nnnnnnghh!

Persian culture is way better than Swedish culture. Real men and beautiful women.

Ignoring the trollish comment I can point out that you're not getting laid with Persians in their natural habitat. The women are stuck up princesses that expect to be highly maintained while the guys are pack-moving cock blockers with blue balls. It is when they LACK Persian culture that Persian women are fuckable. Have you been to Iran (like me) and gotten laid there?

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