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Best freelance careers/skills?

Best freelance careers/skills?

If you want to work as a translator you are almost set to go, but if you want to pursue other careers you would have to learn from scratch.

If you want to earn a decent income as a translator the most important thing is to have experience in some field other than translation. You say you are almost done with your bachelor in Biotechnology, this alone will make you stand out from the other translators.

Don´t use elance or odesk for translation jobs, these sites are probably more suitable for programming, web design and SEO, but the translation and writing jobs are total garbage.

So if I were you I would pay an experienced translator to help you craft a well written curriculum vitae and to create a professional-looking profile on Pro z and/or translators cafe. And finally, send at least a few hundred emails to translation agencies, but first make sure that they want to receive applications and that they work with your languages and your field of expertise or any related field, otherwise they will see you as a spammer. If you take these steps you should find at least one client.

And lastly, don´t buy into this mentorship bullshit (this is just a publicity stunt). These people are just a few volunteers and there are hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of newbies wanting to be mentored.

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