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A Monk Endorses Return Of Kings

A Monk Endorses Return Of Kings

The Church didn't go wrong with the "evil liberals of the 60s."

The Church went wrong when it all of a sudden decided that usury was OK.

Usury is NOT OK.

Everyone on this forum bitching about Monsanto, Big Bracket Banks, Gov't Bailouts, Feminism and the Modern Workplace -- stop and think: If bank were not allowed to lend at high interest rates (usury) on their FRACTIONAL RESERVES -- would we still have 99% of these problems?

The greed for money is the root of all evil. Someone stood to prosper from allowing usury and interest lending between Christians in the Middle Ages. Before that only Jews could lend with interest ... that's what Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice is about...Usury between Jews and Christians. Unfortunately, the Church did not do due diligence and allowed this "modern lending" to take foot in Christian Europe. Even the Vatican has Opus Bank now (which has been accused of money laundering).

the peer review system
put both
Socrates and Jesus
to death

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