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Direct street daygame

Direct street daygame


My daygame has always been indirect, I always start with something situational and build interesting convo and attraction from there.

What I never do is just stop a girl on the street out of nowhere. If we're in the same store, concert, same line, same park, I'll go up and do that no problem. But stopping a girl dead in her tracks out of nowhere, I don't do that.

Honestly, it just seems creepy without something shared (ie being in the same place).
Please specify what is "Creepy"/"Shady" about it. Too many males are worrying about a girl being creeped out these days, hence why they still get anxiety when approaching. As long as your not literally doing shady stuff(Stalking her, staring at her endlessly or always being in her vicinity without doing anything), I wouldn't worry about it.


Does anyone out there do direct street daygame, just stopping girls outta nowhere, or are most of you daygamers lurking in cafés, grocery stores, record shops, parks etc.?
I use to do it a ton load a couple years ago. Back in my final 6 months of college, i got a good amount of meetups/instadates just from doing that alone. Then again, I had no choice during the day since the summer session didn't have much girls around. In the real world these days last time i did it, I got some instadates which was nice [Image: smile.gif].

Once in a while I do it from time to time if i see someone i really like. The hotter the woman, the more they seem to like it. I also think doing a stop approach itself is a bold thing to do. The ones who really like it reward its a hard thing to do. The girl who seem a little bit taken back or nervous when you do it, aren't creeped out. They're just caught off guard is all and once that passes....they feel at ease [Image: smile.gif]. Plus its sometimes good for a woman to feel alittle nervous around a guy, creates sexual tension.

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