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Direct street daygame

Direct street daygame

Street stops are probably the hardest form of day-game which--in itself--is the hardest branch of game. I'd say the street-stop is among the hardest things to do well in game. There are dangers on both sides of the spectrum. If you're too timid or uninteresting, you end up being passed by, with nothing more than a courtesy minute or two. If you're too bold, you look douchey, try-hard, and clownish.

On a good day, I do maybe two of them. Overall they constitute less than half of my day game routine, though they're a significant part. I'm merely decent at them, but have enough practice and skill to do some damage. The other half is situational stuff. The key with day game, in my opinion, is to be prepared to holler in the wide diversity of scenarios that exists during the day (versus the virtual simplicity of the bar or club).

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