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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (08-05-2011 08:02 PM)redneckpunk Wrote:  

I heard the food in PI was crap but I found good food.

You found it, but you saw some real nasty stuff, right?

I love Filipino food. Most food in PI makes me sick.

As I type this I'm microwaving my fish kare kare/pinakbet (Tagalog style with the little pumpkins) mixed plate I got for lunch today. I got it at Golden Coin in Wahiawa, Hawaii.

I would never eat either of those when I go PI, unless a blood relative cooked it in a kitchen I saw. Now the Wahiawa place I got my lunch at is by no means up to mainland cleanliness standards, but if I get a tapeworm tomorrow that can be traced back to this food, I can call a health department. In PI you can also do that, but when the inspector goes to the restaurant, the owner gives him ten dollars and a napkin to wipe the rat shit off his shoes, and nobody saw anything.

You really have to watch fish over there. I've fished up and own the whole county. There are so many ways they mishandle the commercial stuff, I won't even go into. Plus, the water is dirty as hell in so many places. Any of you guys in Boracay during algae season? Why do you think they don't ship those giant buckets of giant lobsters they sell on the street to the US?

There are all kinds of fruits and vegetables you can only get in PI, or at Filipino type food places. Have you ever really looked at them. The pinakbet, for example, got parda beans and calabaza. Then they put a calamansi slice in the plate. I don't think they sell those things any where else? The problem is that the land and the farming techniques used to raise those vegetables is so bad and it's all extremely chemically treated. Again, an inspector goes out to the farms to see if they're spraying ddt all over the cardaba. When they see that the nine year old are, they get paid 20 dollars and they leave.

My last trip there was for a family wedding outside MM. Because I dislike the girl swooping scenario there as much as the food, I brought a chick with me. She's pretty hot so we stayed at the Mandarin Oriental. We ate at it's top shelf restaurant the first night. I forget what she had, but my meal was one of those off the menu things where it's a full menu, called a prixe fu or some shit. It was turkey and dressing but ground up and served in a little round blob nuevo style. This is at the highest end restaurant in an international hotel so you'd think it would be perfect. There was a little corner of a piece of the turkey that was just dry as hell. That's just how it is.

After dinner we went to Greenbelt and cruised around. Since this girl is hot, she makes some type of facial potion to keep her that way. She needed a cucumber. At the fancy grocery store in Greenbelt (the fancy mall with the Louis Vuitton store) she bought one. Back at the hotel she cut it up. The green dye they'd shot into that thing was bleeding almost into the middle of the cucumber.

I've read other parts of the forum talking about Filipino food, but that's my general take on it.

Quote: (08-05-2011 08:02 PM)Richie Wrote:  

I spent 2 weeks in Borocay.

Did you get stuck in the bat cave??

What the hell do you do in Boracay for two weeks? That's probably why you didn't like it. You can only ride a jet ski in so many circles before you go crazy. If you'd stayed 3 weeks you'd have seen those same girls moving on to more strange dudes. It's how they survive.


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