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Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-26-2014 11:46 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Wow people here make me seem not cynical... Charity is now viewed exclusively as status whoring? If it were a straight couple adopting a child with HIV?

I mean whatever happens, she will have a great chance at treatment and a long life in Denmark.

Its hard not to be cynical when two grown men adopt a child from more than a thousand miles away whilst there are thousands of children closer to home without loving parents.

That actress, Jolie whatsherface and Madonna are prime examples of attention whoring. Going to Africa to adopt and use their status as well off white folk to take kids from a continent far away.

Go to any city or town near you and there are plenty of children without homes but because they dont fit the status quo of "oh my gawd look at THIS!", they dont get the attention.

Two gay men adopting a child from Africa, one with HIV no less is a status gimmick.

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