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CVS Drivethru

CVS Drivethru

Part four: I didn't post this yesterday because some real stupid shit happened and one of the girls was on my computer that night and started questioning me about " who is the Gmanifesto?"

Me and my cousin went to get the Harbor Freight girl who was a no show so we went to the dockside. The CVS girl showed up and ended up giving me a ride home later.

My cousin left the Dockside and when I got home he was at the bar in my house drinking with this girl (not pretty but rockin body)also my "girlfriend" was there so I decided to go in because it was late and didn't really want to bring her(CVS) in and throw my girlfriend out.Which really is not that big of a deal ..she catches me all the time.

I made a drink and my cuz says "I got to dip for a while" and just left so I tried to work a threesome . The two girls were starting to exchange phone numbers and I got pissed off (cockblock teamwork) and yelled at my girl and she started to cry (second time that night) the rocking body girl got mad at me and split. I went to sleep at around 3am. When I woke up at 5am my girl was blowing me and I made her make me some spaghetti. I could of played that a lot better..I know. I started drinking too early.

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