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Video + Pics of the British Girl Mouthing 24 Cocks For a Free Drink While on Vacation

Video + Pics of the British Girl Mouthing 24 Cocks For a Free Drink While on Vacation

First, if you haven't read the story:

Cliff notes: chick slurps 24 bro fingers for what they told her was a free "Holiday." She later would discover that this is an alcoholic beverage, not an all expenses paid trip to somewhere.

[Image: ohshit.gif]
[Image: laugh2.gif]

Now here's the video:

Imagine how night game would change if this was the only way women could expect to go to a club without cash or credit cards and get free beers [Image: rolleyes.gif]

Magaluf data sheet anyone? [Image: biggrin.gif]

I wonder what was going through her mind during that frenzy.

Here's a link to photographs of the "alleged" female according to other sources, not me:

She's pretty cute. If I saw her in the daytime I'd definitely go for an instant date/phone number. Even after this I still would [Image: lol.gif] . If you think about it, how many other women have done things like this on vacation? Or done even crazier things with strange men? Probably lots. They just don't tell people if they seem too judgmental. I went on an instant date with a girl that told me a sex story of hers that was just as funny. I didn't close though. Not enough game.

Another edit: Better quality photos of the chick here

I wonder if her life is ruined yet..

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