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Carlos100 approach thread

Carlos100 approach thread

#10 and #11:

I went to a jazz performance on Saturday afternoon at a local live house café, the same band from approach #2. I was hoping it would provide an opportunity to meet some new people. Most of the crowd was middle-aged. Friendly people, but not good for approaches. I was sitting alone at the bar and noticed an older lady sitting by herself at a table. When she came by the bar to get a drink, I said hello and talked with her for a few minutes. After she went and sat back down I walked over and asked if I could sit with her since both of us were there alone. She said it was fine. So, I sat down and we watched the performance together. We talked a little but I didn't try to get any personal contact information from her.

Afterwards, since I had never been to that area before I explored around the local train station. I was dressed-up a little bit and I practiced my alpha strut, based on some threads from this forum on body language. I focused on pretending I was hanging by a string and that I was being pulled along by a rope tied to my crotch. I also wore a smirk. I noticed a couple of girls checking me out when they walked by, including one who even smirked back at me, which is unusual in Japan. I'm embarrassed to say, however, that I didn't stop them and ask where the effen pet store was.

Later that night I was bar hopping back in my local neighborhood. I was pissed that I had missed the earlier opportunities to approach those girls, so I just stopped two random 20-something girls who were walking together and asked them in Japanese where the local pet store was. They were very helpful. They even pulled out their I-phone and searched. I talked to them about random local stuff for about 10 minutes, then told them I was going to get a coffee and asked them if they would like to come. They declined. I didn't try to get personal contact information because I didn't feel a deep enough rapport had been established. But, at least I got my first street, pet store approach done. It was much easier and relaxed than I expected.

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