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Can someone explain to me how to use snapchat

Can someone explain to me how to use snapchat

Yes, snapchat is pointless when you compare against text messages and phone calls. But when gaming chicks of a certain age group you have to use the technology they use. 18-25 seem to be the biggest snapchat users. 18-21 is my favorite age group to target, because of this I had to learn how to leverage snap chat to its full potential.

1. Get a third party snapchat app.

Deluge pointed out Snapsave. I use SnapCrackPro. It allows to me to views snaps (without it letting the sender know it was viewed) and save snaps (without it alerting the sender). It also allows me to import saved photos and videos from my iphone library.

2. Save photos to your phone, and then send them. This allows you to always have access to cool DHV style photos. For example: I'll take a pic of me on my motorcycle and save it to my phone. I can then send that as a snap any time I feel like it. I have been in bed suffering a massive hangover while sending pics of my riding my bike down the coast to some chick that loves bikes and the beach. You can always make it appear that you are doing some crazy or cool stuff to chicks, even when you did it weeks/months/years prior.

3. Story mode. I rarely use it, but it is great to use when throwing a great party. Take the pics and add them to the story line. People view your story and are like "Damn, anti is always having a great fucking time. That party looks sick! I'll send him a text and see if I can swing by"

4. A hidden bonus feature of the third party apps: It never alerts the sender you saved the pic. I just had a girl tell me the other day that she loved sending my nudes mainly because "You respect my privacy and never take a sreenshot." Haha if only she knew.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

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