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Raw sex & disease prevention

Raw sex & disease prevention

Quote: (07-05-2014 11:21 AM)Ethan Amarante Wrote:  

It does attempt a figure, however.

[i]According to a report by researchers Norman Hearst and Stephen Hulley in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the odds of a heterosexual becoming infected with AIDS after one episode of penile-vaginal intercourse with someone in a non-high-risk group without a condom are one in 5 million. With a condom it's even safer — one in 50 million.

Those figures sound about right - winning the lottery in most countries is something like 1: 6 mio. I remember when I talked with my friends who studied medicine. The first thing that their professor told them on the topic of AIDS is that they could fuck away as heterosexuals without abandon, since the chances of ever getting it even while being highly promiscuous are practically nil.

What would happen with Syphillis and other STDs if there were no effective countermeasures in our times? 17th century aristocracy up until the 20th century would happen - the majority of them had Syphillis with debilitating mental side-effects and a premature death.

Which is another point in the supposed super-deadly uncurable HIV-virus - why aren't there millions of infected among the heterosexual population? There have been studies done on heterosexual couples with one partner having AIDS - years of sex and no infection. But I am sure it is only a coincidence.

Either way - regardless whether you believe in it or not - the likelihood to contract AIDS is as stated even by official academic channels pretty much zero. I am just stating that there is more to this story than it seems.

The rest of the STDs are real and without antibiotics or equally good alternatives like high-dosage vitamins we would be fucked in our highly promiscuous times.

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