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Cooking a big load to eat all week

Cooking a big load to eat all week

Food for a week? I'm not sure most dishes will stay good for one week.

I always have some canned food such as kidney beans, canned tomatoes, chickpeas and some frozen food in house in case I don't want to spend much time cooking.

My favorite quick dish is making a salad with kidney beans, corn and fresh tomatoes and lettuce. Add some lime juice and olive oil and you are finished. Cook some meat, chicken or fish for on the side and you have a complete meal within 5-10 minutes. If you make enough you can eat it for three days.

[Image: PepperBeanSalad.jpg]

Second favorite dish. Open a can of mushrooms, fry it in the pan with some chicken or meat, add some sour cream, add some spices and you have a complete dish within 15 minutes.

[Image: P1260649x.jpg]

I can post some more if you want.

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