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Near Rock Bottom - Looking To Climb Back Up

Near Rock Bottom - Looking To Climb Back Up

Upon further realization I thought about something.....I've been told what I can't do, won't be, is impossible, etc all my life. So why the hell am I gonna waste my time arguing back and forth with some "elitists" on an internet forum? Instead, I'm just going to ignore all you haters and continue down my path of success, so when I do succeed, you'll all look like retards.

For all my lurkers, especially those with ambitious dreams of your own... I leave you with this video. There's a reason that clip alone has almost 1,000,000 views and it's not the only copy.

P.S. If our society wasn't so full of sadistic fucks who get a kick out of knocking people when they're down and trying to limit their beliefs, this world would be a much better place to live in.....

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