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Not Your Typical Men's Rights Rant

Not Your Typical Men's Rights Rant


Dude, you live in US which is the most hypocritical country in the world I've ever seen. You have politicians here who scream about "cutting the debt" while at the same time saying nothing about maintaining three wars or cuts in the military budget, which is the largest in the world. You have Supreme Court Justices who are openly on conservative payroll, receive perks (and not even shy about this), and make the decisions favorable to their sponsors. You have some other governors, members of Congress and Senate who speak boldly about "family values" and then being caught trying to suck a cock in public restrooms, hiring a whore or having an affair. That's how politics work in this country. And those are top-level politicians, whose actions are closely watched all around the world. Don't pretend to be shocked by a special interest group having a hidden agenda. You should have got used to it long time ago.

Do you want to move to Russia, India, China, or Pakistan, or Somalia and see how the government treats you there?

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