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Not Your Typical Men's Rights Rant

Not Your Typical Men's Rights Rant

Quote: (07-27-2011 03:45 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

That's what I though. No need to talk then. You can keep your hysteria, I'll keep the facts.

Dude, get your head out of your ass. I'm not going to get into a quasi-philosophical debate with a guy who will never admit he is wrong. Your only purpose on this forum is to validate your existence by attempting to prove your case in any situation, whether it is futile or not.

First of all, you're not a lawyer, and I'm guessing you don't have as strong of an understanding of the court system as a lawyer, so when it comes to matters of law please shut the fuck up.

Second, you didn't even accept the fact that you don't have a full understanding of justice, a key element of your "argument."

Third, accept the fact that no one can ever be correct 100% of the time, not even you, whoever the fuck you may be dear prince. You clearly are an arrogant asshole, and you're obviously trying to vent your frustrations about America on this forum whenever you can.

Dearly awaiting your self-congratulatory "rebuttal." (but not really)

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