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Bang reviews

Bang reviews

Quote: (07-25-2011 07:31 AM)farka Wrote:  

Why would you tell more people about Roosh? If more people join the entire lifestyle would go down because of the mass number of people trying to obtain it, not to mention it might as well make getting girls around the globe harder because of the exact same reason.

Why not? Not everything Bang teaches is going to stay relevant forever anyway, and I'm sure Roosh would be the first to admit that. Game is ever evolving, and if you're not continually honing your skills you're going to be left behind. Just look at how much texting has changed things recently.

If I can convince people, especially people I don't even know on other sites, to buy Roosh's book, three good things happen. 1. He makes money, which means he can give out more freebies like his various South America compendiums. 2. When it's a friend I know personally, I get the opportunity to teach and discuss what I know, which ultimately makes my game stronger. 3. I'm doing a service to the whole male race, by getting one more guy to not put up with the bullshit your typical chick tries to pulls; ideally making her change her ways to be more feminine.

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