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The Pickup Line Zuckerberg Used on His Chick

The Pickup Line Zuckerberg Used on His Chick

Quote: (05-30-2014 02:24 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Who cares what Zuckerberg did? He may have unintentionally used a neg, but his wife is hideous. With minimal game and the amount of money he has, he'd be swimming in much more attractive women.

Zuckerberg is like the dream guy for asian-american women. He's white and alpha in career pursuits but likely beta with women. He's also a billionaire. It's like a hypergamy royal flush.

Chan really is pretty busted though. It sounds like she's kind of a ball buster too like a lot of ambitious chinese women. In SEA she'd be a low 3 at best.

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