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If you could be fluent in only 5 languages (including Eng.) which would you choose?

If you could be fluent in only 5 languages (including Eng.) which would you choose?

Glad to see this has been a popular thread and got some discussions going, exactly what I wanted for something fun.

For those just joining us, I would point you to Espresso's great summary and graph of the results, thank you sir:

I wanna take this in a new direction now.

Let's assume you're now fluent in the 5 languages you selected.

If you could instantly learn some completely random ones (again, like The Matrix), not based on practical value (i.e. business or # of speakers), but purely for curiosity, culture, scholarly study, or even just liking the way it sounds, which ones would you pick?

For example, I like the sounds of Welsh, and the history of the area is interesting to me:

I would most likely also want to learn an aboriginal language like Inuktitut (spoken by the Inuit people of Canada's far north):


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