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French Foreign Legion

French Foreign Legion

You probably do Hwuz. Your goal entering the legion should be to make corporal in the first couple years. NCO's are allowed to own cars and given some privilege of leave. First year enlistees aren't even given leave. They offer 4by5 enlistments at the minimum. Your goal should be to save all your pay or gain French citizenship, possibly both. Supposedly they don't even want you if you don't seem to be interested in a career with them(lie up front about this).

After I finish paramedic school I'm thinking about getting in on that Canadian oil money a thread here was dedicated to. Join me up there if you can't find anything more satisfying. That job promises some excitement to it, obviously more pay and flexibility.

As I get older I realize the two biggest let downs in my own regard were not finding flexible work and not finding work that paid well enough to allow flexibility.

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