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French Foreign Legion

French Foreign Legion

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I say do it. I did the opposite, I went to college for engineering, got a tech sales job, and I'm not happy with it. And I got the debt to boot. I thought about the legion too but let my parents talk me out of it at the time. Reminds me of Roosh's post about what he'd tell the teenage version of himself if he could travel back and give him the advice he'd accured throughout his life up to this point. I'm the future you. I say legion. Life is really short (31 and I can't believe how fast it's going by) and being overly cautious is no way to live. Even if you don't do the legion, do something else that won't result in you working in a cube. Good luck.

PS, now you got me thinking about enlisting...

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

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