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Flaky Girl (Yes, once again!)

Flaky Girl (Yes, once again!)

Quote: (07-17-2011 12:02 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

a litle off-topic, but something strikes me--

You BELIEVE her excuses when she says she's "out of town" etc?

I find women's excuses are almost always either extreme distortions or flat out lies.

They're more astute socially and know if they tell you they'd:

1) Rather stay home alone than hang out with you-
2) Got things going that night with a higher value guy-

You'd be humiliated and wouldn't be available any more.

Bad relationship with both parents almost certainly means inability
to sustain any kind of mutually rewarding relationship.

She not only had the training in non-attachment, she probably has the personality genetics for it also. Pass except as booty-call material.

She cannot sustain internal images of others well enough to become entranced as you are hoping.
Everyone always fades away, and therefore are not worth investing in consistently.

Thanks for the feedback Iknowexactly and Alphawolf.
I agree with your conclusions. That chick was very scattered and definitely had other options.

Re: her excuses to be out of town, I'll be frank, I expected those to be excuses as well (I'm a skeptical by nature). However I have her on the accursed facebook and saw the pics and wall posts related to those 3 week-ends away where she went to visit some old girlfriends of her. So, no, in that regards she didnt lie. That was the main reason why I stuck around despite her erratic behavior. A mistake, evidently, but I didnt have much to lose.

Still, the fact she did go out of town for real doesnt change the validity of your analysis. I agree with you guys, with 20/20 hindsight there is no doubt she was very self-absorbed and not someone worth investing. I just always wonder what is the right time to walk away in cases like these. By nature I walk away and move on relatively early and often - as I cant be bothered with flakes - however I cant deny that plenty of lays have been direct consequence of my persistence.

I need to learn to better calibrate my judgment and trust my instincts more, to avoid wasting time with flakes but at the same time not to pass on good opportunities that just require some basic change of tactic.

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