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Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

"I'd like to see them try to link us to a member of an ANTI-game site when we are pro-game. I'll be ready for that."

Given how media personalities have zero integrity or critical thinking ability, this will likely happen regardless.

Here's one possible angle: "PUAHate and pickup artists are really birds of the same feather, because they both have an unhealthy fixation on 'scoring' with attractive women.They both feed this idea that men are entitled to women, and that if you aren't succeeding with women, you aren't a 'man' [man will definitely be in quotes]. We need to move away from a definition of masculinity based on sexual conquest, on possessing women like they are pieces of property - and PUAs are just as guilty in that regard."

Of course, I think that's bullshit. But I guarantee there will be lots of fuckfaces saying stuff of that nature.

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