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Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

As disheartening as this shit is, McQueen is right. He had all the intangibles, but just didn't put them together. So on one end, I do feel bad for him, yet at the same time, fuck him for taking the lives of other people solely on beta rage and the lack of strange in his life. Granted, I think this dude had way more mental issues that anyone could let on. It could've even been to the point where not even game could stoke the fires of his psychosis. Seems as if he needed some cognitive behavioral therapy before anything.

Like I said before, I get where he is from, feeling as though the shit you've been told from the beginning was all a lie. But to give up like that? To quit?

I have 1/2 notch to my record. I'm in my early 20s, going to school, with some body language issues that need fixing, social graces that need polishing, and trash logistics that need adjustments. Hell, I couldn't even get laid in my social circle. I could've easily said "fuck all these douches that get vagine, and the sloots that sleep with them" and cashed out. But why am I here?

To get better.
To take control of my situation.

Right now, I'm in the "shit." But do I give up? Of course not. Every man in here had to put in the time to get where they are. Why should I be any different?

Instead of complaining about "how hard" or "how impossible" it is to succeed in game, I ask myself "how DO I make it work?" Honestly, that has made all of the difference.

This is why we need sites like this and RoK. This challenges people to take control of their lives and quit being a victim. Because no matter how bad I can say my life is, there's a dude born in the Manila slums who literally has no chance at becoming anything more than that. I HAVE a shot. Frankly, that's all I need.

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