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Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

Quote: (05-24-2014 10:33 AM)Ensam Wrote:  

Yes. It's extremely fucked. I also wonder if it's legal. Seems like it's destroying evidence unless they're keeping an internal backup of everything he wrote.
I was refreshing over there for a while to see all the threads mods were deleting. One thread was titled "Isn't it illegal to delete evidence?"

It got deleted very quickly. [Image: dodgy.gif]

PUA Hate has been mentioned in the Daily Mail:


Rodger was a website forum called, which describes itself as the 'Anti-Pickup-Artist Movement' and aims to reveal 'the scams, deception, and misleading marketing techniques used by dating gurus and the seduction community to deceive men and profit from them.'
Its members are all men who have spent a lot of time and money on books and seminars and other materials that claim to help men 'pick-up' women - but failed.
The bitter, often misogynistic threads are full of tales of woe from men who don't know how to get women to date them and blame the women themselves for the problem.
He posted in 2013, 'If you could release a virus that would kill every single man on Earth, except for yourself because you would have the antidote, would you do it? You will be the only man left, with all the females. You would be able to have your pick of any beautiful woman you want, as well as having dealt vengeance on the men who took them from you. Imagine how satisfying that would be.'
Rodger's actions have been lauded on the site by other members who have called him a 'hero.'

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