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Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

Elliot Rodger shoots up California campus because he can't get laid

Some more posts of his on

October 6, 2013:


Eventually these frustrated men won't be able to take it anymore and will explode in rage and fury, and the female population will suffer the consequences, as they rightfully deserve. Once women are brought to their knees, things can be reformed. The sooner this happens, the better.

October 6, 2013:


It must be accepted, but not embraced. Human society should never be allowed to degenerate to such brutality. The problem is women, they are primitive in nature and incapable thinking rationally. If they are allowed to choose who to breed with, humanity will never advance. Look at civilizations over 100 years ago. In a way they were much more civilized, simply because women were restricted and controlled. It was a much better world to live in.

October 7, 2013:


You remind me of a slave who willingly accepts his fate rather than escaping and strangling his master. Your weakness disgusts me. Having the will to fight against those who would cause us misery is what separates the strong from the weak. The world is this way because you allow it to be.

UPDATE: the forum is now down for maintenance!

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

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