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Healthy microwave cooking

Healthy microwave cooking

Quote: (05-18-2014 04:12 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Ditch the microwave:

There are plenty of studies out there - even the US military experimented with it trying to cook everything via microwave for a month in a field-test. They had to abort the test after 14 days, because the men were getting sick in record numbers. The study was online only a few weeks and they pulled it soon afterwards.

There was also a big Swiss study after which the professor was fired from the university.

Microwave oven changes the molecular structure of the food and you get a toxic empty mush devoid of essential nutrients - but what is worse is that the structure of the food is indeed toxic.

Never ever microwave if you want to stay healthy. I would not even cook water in it.

Anecdotal. Let's see some Pubmed links.

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