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Another fuckup! So close!

Another fuckup! So close!

Is it common to just exchange email/FB stuff instead of numbers in Argentina*(edit: oops not Brazil)? I think I've heard this somewhere before?

Anyway, IMO, this was a 2 foot put, and you missed it. No worries, cuz next time you'll sink it.

Things you missed:

She said: I want to experiment with an open relationship.
Translation: I'm always open to new dick.

She said: Stuff about drugs.
Translation: She's wild, and ready for any adventure.

She said: I want to drink still (at 5am?) - but the bars are all closed
Translation: Take me to your place and let's have one more drink before banging.

She said: I'm couch surfing, but might not want to stay there tonight.
Translation: Take me home with you, you idiot, could I be any more obvious about this?

Had it been me, I would've said, "Man that's a bummer, all the bars are closed and now you can't get that drink you wanted. No big deal, my place is nearby, we can get a drink there and plot our next move, maybe we'll swing by that hostel or something after."

Boom, you take her home, get that drink to keep her in party mode, resume escalating, and move in for the bang.

Or, it's possible, she says, "Sorry, not tonight." Then you say, "Ok, cool maybe some other time." and exchange emails or whatever.

Given the possible outcomes, which path will you follow next time?

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