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This Is What "Cool" Is

This Is What "Cool" Is

Being cool is one of the highest levels of playerdom and usually reserved for naturals.

A man with cool:

1. Has NO MUSCULAR TENSION in his body.

2. Smiles at the right times. This may be frequently - but is at different times than an uncool person smiling.

3. Uses subcommunication rather than overt verbal communication. To someone without cool, he is annoying vague and hard to pin down. This is because, in the terminology of Venkat Rao, he is using powertalk. (If you follow that link, make sure you read all of the articles in the series).

4. Again, he has NO MUSCULAR TENSION in his body. This is both the source of and the evidence of his coolness.

5. Gets people to give him all the stuff he wants - money, pussy, status. Without ever asking.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

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