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Common mistakes foreign guys make with Brazilian women

Common mistakes foreign guys make with Brazilian women

As much as I think I know about Brazilian women the truth is that I don't know anything. The more time that I spend here and the deeper that I go into the culture the more I appreciate how difficult it can be to attract and keep a high quality female here.

I'm no expert on gaming Brazilian women, but I've been here long enough to recognize common mistakes that foreign guys make in the seduction process. There has also been an abundance of intel about Rio de Janeiro, but not so much about 2nd tier cities in Brazil. This thread is an attempt to increase the success rate of guys who go to second tier Brazilian cities like Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Curitiba.

Keep on reading and you'll learn about the common mistakes foreign guys make with Brazilian women and how to fix them. You'll also learn about the most common types of Brazilian women you'll meet and what is the optimal strategy to pursue.

Common Mistakes Foreign Guys Make in Brazil
1. Escalating too slowly
If you're running night game and a girl makes eye contact with you, it is your duty to go up to her and attempt to make out with her within 20 minutes. Maybe even less depending on how warmly she receives you. There comes a certain point in an interaction where if you don't make your intentions very clear she will lose interest and go somewhere else.

I'm talking strictly here about baladas, bares and festas. Botecos, shows, forro and samba parties will require a different strategy. I'll get to that in a minute.

2. Not ejecting from cold leads
Sometimes it will seem like a girl is in to you and you keep investing time in her hoping that you can make something happen. She gives you all of the signs that she is in to you, strong eye contact, physical contact and seductive body language but for whatever reason every attempt at escalation is shot down. Its important to recognize when a set isn't going to go anywhere and when you need to eject and try again somewhere else.

A lot of what I'm talking about here depends on the type of girl you're chatting with, which I'll cover later.

Guy's who aren't familiar with Brazilian women and their ways overestimate how they are doing with a girl and think that they are going to get laid, but that's just not in the cards. On the other hand these interactions tend to be highly pleasant and all things considered its not the worst thing in the world to be talking to a sweet feminine girl for two hours thinking you're going to get laid and then not. Reading through lots of posts here on the forum it seems like chatting to a Brazilian women and not getting laid can be a more enjoyable experience than chatting with an American woman and getting laid.

3. Not focusing on the target
When a girl holds eye contact for more than a second you are duty bound to go and talk to her. Within a few moments you'll be able to tell if it is on or not. If its on you need to escalate as soon as possible and take the interaction to the next level.

When a girl is in to you and shows clear signs of interest, forget trying to make a good impression on her friends. Forget your friends. Forget whatever other girls are around you. Forget everything. Just go after her and try to get her out of there. A considerable amount of my bangs here have occurred within a few hours of meeting her. This leads into the next point.

4. Sort out your logistics
If you're here for a short time, make sure you have your own apartment, or at the very least your own room. Forget hostels. Try to avoid shared living arrangements. Get your own place on Airbnb or rent a hotel room.

Make sure that you are close to where you are going to where you'll be going out. Roosh has already hammered in the importance of logistics on the blog so I won't rehash what he's said here.

What hasn't been said is the importance Brazilian women place on their image. If you are gaming within your social circle it can be a huge cockblock to have roommates because the girl might not want it to be known that she slept with you. Brazil is a conservative country despite what the images abroad may have you believe. Protect the girls reputation and she'll open up to you.

When you're gaming at a night club that's far away from where you live you need to sort out where the nearest motel is. When you're with a girl and she asks you where you live your answer should be "just around the corner." When you leave take her to the motel and pretend that you are checked in there. If she calls you out on bringing her to a motel, tell her that you don't have the motel concept where you are from and that you rented a room there without knowing that it was a sex motel. At this point you're already at the motel and have successfully isolated her from her friends so it won't matter that this is all bullshit.

Even better than a motel is figuring out if there is a place inside of the venue where you can get funky. Very few established venues will have a place like this, and if there is you better bet there will be guys in black suits and flashlights to tell you "Não pode." But if you're at an unofficial venue and they haven't blocked off dark areas and other rooms then you can just seal the deal there.

5. Being a bad conversationalist
You can get away with a lot in the way of conversation by being a gringo, but there are certain faux paus that you should avoid. Avoid being a clown. Avoid being too mysterious. Avoid being too cocky.

You'll have to calibrate with experience and depending on the girl, but in general when they ask you your name, your place of origin, your occupation, your reason for living in Brazil or any other question early on in the interaction that is an attempt to get to know you, give her the answer without making her play games that you'd have to play with an American woman.

Many interactions with women and with guys too have gone downhill after I gave a cocky answer to the query of "What are you doing here?" Many girls don't like playing a guessing game when asked, "How old are you?" A lot of girls don't think its funny if you tell them you're a garbage man.

You can inject humor into your answers, but make sure that you're being honest and informative.

When you've been here as long as I have you get bored with going through the same questions in every interaction, but you have to realize that there is a reason every Brazilian asks the same questions. They just want to get to know you and they are going to base their impression of you largely off of what happens in the first minute. So don't fuck this up.

6. Avoid Sarcasm
American humor does not do well here. Humor based on television shows or other pieces of culture does not do well here. Sarcasm is not understood and will likely be taken as an offense.

Guys who don't travel very much make these mistakes a lot. Unless the girl has an American flag on her t-shirt I would keep my humor very dry, situational or Brazilian. What is Brazilian humor? That's a question for another day.

7. Not protecting your reputation
If you're sticking around Brazil for a while you'll need to be careful about the reputation that you get. If you're just going out at night and are looking for company there then you won't have to worry about this too much.

But if you're going to be sticking around for a while and are building up a large social circle of Brazilians you need to be more discreet about your activities and who you're hooking up with. You don't necessarily want to get the reputation of a guy who hooks up with a lot of girls. You also don't want girls to find out if you've hooked up with less attractive girls. It can come back to haunt you when you're trying to hook some filet mignon and she is friends with a whale that you harpooned during a dry season.

Types of Girls You'll Meet in Brazil
Now that you've gotten a better idea of the tactics that you'll employ with the girls, lets take a step back and talk about the strategy for finding the right girls to target.

The Novinha:
This girl is young, shy and inexperienced. She might give you signs that she is interested, but she is too concerned about the judgement of her friends to act on her desires. You'll have to win over her friends and you might have to invest a long series of encounters before you get what you're looking for with this girl.

The Patricinha:
You'll meet this girl at upper class venues and the most expensive baladas. Though she is dressed to impress with high heels, short skirts and immaculate makeup, its all for show. She is more concerned with looking pretty for facebook pictures and having a good time with her friends than in hooking up with random guys. She probably doesn't speak any English and your approach will be met with attitude. Unless you have fluent Portuguese, approach like a Brazilian and are persistent almost to the point of insanity, you won't get anywhere with this girl at night.

Better to meet her during the day or through social circle. Its been said that the best pickup line for a foreign guy to use in Brazil is "Do you speak English?" but this is not true. The best pickup line is when a third party introduces you with, "Você conhece meu amigo Safado?" Its best if its actually a friend of hers, but it sometimes works if you and a buddy roll up to a set and he introduces you this way.

The Brazuca:
This girl has lived abroad, has dated foreign guys before, speaks really good English, or just in general has a strong interest in foreign cultures and getting out of Brazil. Typically works as an English teacher. These are the easiest girls to get with because they are more familiar with your kind.

Not every Brazuca will be in to you, but if you can tap into a niche of them you'll do better. Also, a lot of guys get the idea that these girls only want a green card from you but that is rarely the case. That's a toxic idea that can poison your game. Most Brazilian girls, even though they say they want to get out, would never actually leave Brazil, and if they did, never for more than a few years.

I have a 100% close rate with girls who have shirts with American flags on using the opener, "Are you American?"

The drunk girl roaming around alone at the club:
If a girl is walking around alone without her friends and has been drinking, she is looking for you. Let her know that it was you that she was looking for and follow the instructions from number 4 above.

The friendly feminist:
Hair cut down to her shoulders. Tattoos. Posts stuff on facebook about gender inequality and wage gaps and slut walks and blah blah blah. She might call herself a feminist, but all that means to her is that she can hook up with lots of guys and not be judged for it. She latches on to this idea because it gives her greater sexual freedom. She doesn't actually hate men, she just wishes she wasn't judged by them.

If you meet her at night and she makes eye contact with you, its on. Follow the rules above and you're in. Extra points if you espouse pro-slut beliefs and make her believe that a girl who sleeps with a guy on the first night is long term relationship material.

The unfriendly feminist:
Guy type hair. Small breasts. Tattoos. Wears jeans. Posts about rape culture on facebook. Hates men. If you go out enough you'll eventually meet a girl like this, but they are quite rare. Despite her unfriendly appearance guys still approach her and she makes them regret it. If you are too cocky she might cockblock you from her friends.

The princess:
This is a high quality girl, feminine, dresses well, pleasant to talk to. The kind of girl that guys used to go to war over. She prefers to be in a long term relationship or to hook up with one of her discreet fuck buddies. When you meet this girl she will receive you very warmly. She will make strong eye contact, laugh at your jokes, touch your arm and make you think that she is in to you. She might even be, but she isn't going to hook up with you, at least not yet.

If you want to get with her you'll have to play some version of beta orbiter game where you are friends with her while still keeping some sexual tension and being at the right place at the right time. You'll need to be a part of her social circle and be good friends with her close girl friends. It'll take a lot of effort to get with one of these girls, and once you go through all of that you'll probably be with her for a while. Many guys end up marrying the princess.

The fuck me eyes:
This girl went out with one purpose in mind. When she sees you she will use all the tricks in the book to get you to approach. She will stare you down until you approach. She might even have a friend come over and ask if you think she is cute. She might even approach you herself.

These girls aren't that common but they are god's gift to man. They make the process so very easy. To get approached like this you either have to have serious swag, be very fit or be a tall blonde gringo. You should try kissing this girl almost immediately and bring her home within a half hour.

The student:
This girl is young, inexperienced, poor and maybe a little shy. She might not get out that much, and when she does its with a group of other students. The only male attention these girls get is from other guys in her class, who tend to not have game or resources. If you happen to meet this girl on the rare occasion that she does go out, and its not at a college party, you'll be very happy. You might not be able to close her that night, but one or two dates later you'll be glad you waited.

The cat woman:
A woman who has reached her late twenties or early thirties and hasn't husbanded up. She is starting to feel her biological clock ticking and is looking for a man to plant his seed in her. She will make you wait, will be a little crazy in the head but will be amazing in bed.

The green card hunter:
A younger girl or a girl from a poorer social class who just wants to get out of Brazil and sees you as her plane ticket. She'll make it known that she wants to get out of Brazil and will ask you to take her. Just play into her fantasy and you'll be in.

The Fattie
This girl is mildly overweight to somewhat chubby. Full on obese girls are still pretty rare in Brazil. These girls don't get much attention early on in the night and start to get desperate later on. You shouldn't pay attention to them until its 3am and you're starting to get desperate. They might also be that drunk girl who is walking around alone.

The nationalist:
This girl only speaks Portuguese, has no curiosity about foreign lands and has no interest in hooking up with foreigners. You'll meet her at more traditional venues, like samba and forro. She will be unimpressed by your fluent Portuguese and will make it clear you should go away.

Some of these types overlap and I may have left out a few, but these have been repeat characters during my time in Brazil.

Types of Venues for meeting girls in Brazil
Now that you have an idea of the strategies and tactics to use on certain girls, lets talk about the types of venues you'll encounter in

High end Balada:
You wont get into a place like this for less than R$60. The level of talent you'll find at these places will make you never want to go back home. Unfortunately you'll mostly find novinhas and patricinhas at this place.
Its a losing strategy to show up to a place like this alone. Best to show up with girls, or with local guys who know girls there. The music here will probably suck and will be really loud.

Girls go here because they like dancing forro and not necessarily to meet guys. Girls rarely go alone to these places, and if they do they are probably more enthusiastic about dancing forro than meeting guys. If you are deep in the forro scene you'll see the same girls coming back, and over time you'll be able to swoop them up. Best to go with your forro instructor who can introduce you to cute forro girls. Your dance game needs to be tight and you need to speak Portuguese. If you meet a Brazuca here you're in. there will be the odd girl who is here to meet guys and she'll be standing off to the side alone.

Rock bar:
Most people go here because they are big fans of rock. Music here will be really loud and it will be hard to talk to people. There are a lot of dudes at these places and you'll get a lot of attitude from girls if you're not their type. You'll need to make lots of approaches here. This is where you'll find feminists and cat ladies.

Often times you'll be invited out to drink with friends and you'll sit down at tables drinking for several hours. If you meet a girl here and she seems into you your best bet will be to wait several hours and try to kiss her when none of her friends are around, or to get her number and meet up with her some other time. If she's really into you you can kiss her at the table, but you'll get a warmer response if you go outside to smoke or ask her to take a walk.

College party:
Speak English to everyone here. You'll either find girls who are super into you or a guy will befriend you and introduce you to his friends. Be careful about the guys you befriend here because if they see that you've been talking to a girl for too long and haven't kissed her they will jump in and try their luck. Gay guys with cute friends are your best friends at these parties. You'll meet just about every type of girl here. The rare angry feminists will be here too.

At some point you'll get invited to a churrasco. This is where everything I've said in regards to reputation management comes into play. In order to hook up with a girl here you'll need to isolate her. Typically you'll be at someone's house or farm and this won't be too hard to do. Your princess will be here.

Typical venue:
My brain is getting a little fried after writing so much, so excuse the uninformative name.
This is a place that plays music at a reasonable volume so that you can actually talk to girls. You didn't pay more than R$20 to get in here. This is aimed at the middle classes and will attract a wide range of friendly women. Attitudes here will be normal and you'll do pretty well here. Get here early and look out for girls in groups of two and approach them early on. Approach them before guys have had a chance to drink and you'll do be glad you did.

Its getting late so I'm going to close here. I may have left out some venue and girl types, so if you see a glaring omission feel free to jump in and contribute. This post isn't meant to be authoritative so please challenge what I say and let me know where our experiences have differed.

I hope this has been helpful for you and reduces the learning curve for you in Brazil. If something I've said helps you to get laid don't forget to give me a rep point.

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