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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Booked a hotel room yesterday and as the clock ticked past the no refund time I was game on still. 4pm rolls round and I was just checking the hotel room.

I get a text saying "sorry I'm not coming"

Her response to my query as to why;

- You could be setting up cameras
- I dont know you (we already met and got some heavy kissing going on) literally no resistance
- You're a player
- You might have all sorts

These were all given in one text and I was just pissed. Moreso because money went down the drain unless I can get to use it tonight with someone else.

I believe she is a bi-polar/BPD woman. She has 3 cats aswell....[Image: dodgy.gif]

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